Thursday, April 17, 2014


Students will investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be compared scientifically.
Demonstrate the process for the development of a dichotomous key.
Classify organisms based on physical characteristics using a dichotomous key of the six kingdom system (archaebacteria, eubacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals).
  In science the practice of classifying organisms is called taxonomy. Taxonomy shows physical characteristics of organisms that can be identified and differentiate between different species, and is based around genetics. Modern taxonomy is based on many hypotheses of the evolutionary history of organisms. As with the Scientific Method, scientists develop a hypothesis on the history of an animal and utilise modern science and technology to prove the phylogeny. Cladistics is a classification system which is based on phylogeny. Expanding on phylogeny, cladistics is based on the assumption that each group of related species has one common ancestor and would therefore retain some ancestral characteristics. As these related species evolve and diverge from their common ancestor, they would develop unique characteristics. The principles of phylogeny and cladistics can be expressed visually as a cladogram, a branching diagram which acts as a family tree for similar species. Under the three domains are six kingdoms in taxonomy, Protista, Plants, Animals, Fungi, Eubacteria, And Archae.

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