Sunday, April 20, 2014


Students will recognize how biological traits are passed on to successive generations.
Explain the role of genes and chromosomes in the process of inheriting a specific trait.
Compare and contrast that organisms reproduce asexually and sexually (bacteria, protists, fungi, plants & animals).
Recognize that selective breeding can produce plants or animals with desired traits.

Traits are passed from one generation to the next when genetic material in DNA is passed down during the reproduction process. In people, half the DNA comes from the mother and half comes from the father, so a child can exhibit traits of both parents. What traits show up depend on what genes are dominant, as well as what genes are switched 'on' throughout the child's life. Chromosomes carry the genetic materials. There are dominant and recessive chromosomes for all traits and chromosomes come in pairs one from your mom and one from your dad. Bacteria, protists, fungi, plants all reproduce asexually because they cannot have a partner when reproducing and don't have the correct forms of cells. Animals can either asexually or sexually reproduce, depending on its cells and the animal.  Selective breeding can produce desired traits in plants and animals because you are crossing and choosing what traits you want in a specific organism.

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